


Les chiens continuent à aboyer.  Published by on parole, Lodève, France

Lignes d’encre, lignes de sang.  Published by on parole, Lodève, France

Let’s not talk. Published by on parole, Lodève, France

Someone and me. Published by on parole, Lodève, France

The truth shining to be seen: Hendrix-Ferre / La verité en rayonnant pour metre en vue: Ferre – Hendrix. Published by on parole, Lodève, France

Pam Rex: Painter & Printmaker.  Published by University of Leeds



Oublier les routes.  Published by Dolmen, Pézenas; France

When Time and Space Conspire.  Published by Leaning Tree, San Antonio TX

Herrings.  Published by Blue Door Press, Aldeburgh

Austin International Poetry Festival Anthologies 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Published by Austin Poets Int., Austin TX

Anthologie des poètes sémaphoristes  2018, 2019.  Editions Maison de la Poésie, Pays de Quimperlé.

2019 Crabbe Poetry Competition Prize-Winners, Suffolk Poetry Society

Poets to Come: A Whitman Anthology.  Published by Local Gems, Long Island, New York



Robin Cairns: Please Don’t Punch The Poets! Amazon Kindle.  Some poems and memories included in this memoir.



La Volée  Nos 9, 10

Twelve Rivers  Summer 2019, Autumn/Winter 2019



A Beat Poetry Anthology.  To be published by Local Gems, Long Island, New York

2020 Crabbe Poetry Competition Prize-Winners, Suffolk Poetry Society

Cheeky Besom Anthology of speculative writing, Glasgow, Scotland